Old joke. Q: How do you tell a rich family in the South? A: Two cars on blocks in the front yard.
I had a neighbor in Fullerton, CA, who had every car he had ever owned in his yard, going back to a Model T!
’If you mow your yard and find a car… you might be a redneck." — Jeff Foxworthy
“Red Neck, White Sock & Blue Ribbon Beer”
Don’t forget to rotate those blocks.
Dana Summers
April 03, 2015
Egrayjames over 8 years ago
Old joke. Q: How do you tell a rich family in the South? A: Two cars on blocks in the front yard.
david_42 over 8 years ago
I had a neighbor in Fullerton, CA, who had every car he had ever owned in his yard, going back to a Model T!
KEA over 8 years ago
’If you mow your yard and find a car… you might be a redneck." — Jeff Foxworthy
BelgarionRex over 8 years ago
“Red Neck, White Sock & Blue Ribbon Beer”
Bargrove over 8 years ago
Don’t forget to rotate those blocks.