My wife can cure anyone from ever wanting their back scratched again. When she gets through it itches three times as bad as before she started. Even my children and the dog learned not to ask her.
this strip’s cartoonist must have an endless boring concept of made up titles and committees. the back scratcher , the fall leave watching club etc etc. zzz
When my back itches, I want it scratched now! If you take a long time to limber up, I’ll go crazy and go get a backscratcher. Because of that empathy, that’s also the reason I respond quickly and thoroughly to a backscratch request. I think that’s the real reason why my wife married me.
One of these days, if I ever have money again, I have to get one of those scratch-my-back T-shirts. Lays out the back like a tic-tac-toe board, numbers the squares 1-9, then letters each square A-I. You can tell someone to scratch in 4D, for example, and they know right where to go, no more hunting around.
linsonl about 8 years ago
Scratch my back and I will love you forever.
Wren Fahel about 8 years ago
My younger daughter is an ace back scratcher.
tkcoker about 8 years ago
My wife can cure anyone from ever wanting their back scratched again. When she gets through it itches three times as bad as before she started. Even my children and the dog learned not to ask her.
ST Joe River Premium Member about 8 years ago
She only has three fingers.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
If she grows a 5th finger she might be evolving into a future person. Saw it on The Simpsons once.
whiskerphonic about 8 years ago
this strip’s cartoonist must have an endless boring concept of made up titles and committees. the back scratcher , the fall leave watching club etc etc. zzz
Farside99 about 8 years ago
When my back itches, I want it scratched now! If you take a long time to limber up, I’ll go crazy and go get a backscratcher. Because of that empathy, that’s also the reason I respond quickly and thoroughly to a backscratch request. I think that’s the real reason why my wife married me.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly about 8 years ago
That is so true!! Especially when attacking the traveling itch!!
K M about 8 years ago
One of these days, if I ever have money again, I have to get one of those scratch-my-back T-shirts. Lays out the back like a tic-tac-toe board, numbers the squares 1-9, then letters each square A-I. You can tell someone to scratch in 4D, for example, and they know right where to go, no more hunting around.