Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 18, 2016
Tom the dancing Bug's SUPER-FUN_PAk Comix SLAPPY MCSUDDSTER what qualifications do you have? I was a lion tamer for 5 years In the circus? Trump: I was just elected President of the United States! MARITAL MIRT Is your wife a good cook? Last night I asked her for a glass of water... Trump: More than sixty million Americans voted for me! LIL Imps My daddy says his boss is a doggy! Really what kind of doggy? Trump: Me Donald Trump! NATHANIELS COBBLE Frog: Whassat yer wearing over your eyeballs? Turtle: Ah found em yonder by the town! Trump: I'll be the commander in Chief! JENKINS ID like to come to a meeting on meetings that start too early what time does it start? Trump: Leader of the free world! My pet, Peeve Hello this is doable trump. I'll be in charge of the United States Department of Justice" ODDBALL All branches of the United States government will be beholden to me" OH that BOY! Thats right. Me, Donald Trump. I'll be your president."
Randy B Premium Member over 8 years ago
Loser of the popular vote by more than a million.
Maybe two million, once all California’s votes are counted.
“Elected” by of 26% of eligible voters.
BiggerJ over 8 years ago
There’s a deeper meaning to this.
ploubere over 8 years ago
That wasn’t super fun.
step2006 over 8 years ago
Oded Hirschfeld over 8 years ago
Strip today makes no sense. Why is Donald Trump popping into the frame, stating things that OBVIOUSLY, OBVIOUSLY CANNOT BE TRUE?
Striped Cat over 8 years ago
Donald trump got elected president! Who knew? I haven’t see anything about this in the news.
Karl Hiller over 8 years ago
Two comments so far from people who are unable to wrap their heads around the concept that worrying about what Trump might do is not “liberal”. I guarantee you that many of the things people are worried about will hurt everyone, regardless of your knee-jerk labels.
Mostly Water Premium Member over 8 years ago
Leader of the free world….NOT!!!
dougsathome over 8 years ago
Excuse me while I vomit.
halvincobbes Premium Member over 8 years ago
He’s a joke but not a very funny one.
TheWildSow over 8 years ago
This was NOT what we had in mind when we said Orange is the new Black!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
This is hilarious! Plays up the Trump is intruding everywhere meme I have been getting from disgruntled readers of various comics.
ars731 over 8 years ago
I feel like Mr Boiling is trying to make a point. not sure what through
pumaman over 8 years ago
I’d like to see more of Jenkins.
What? Me worried ? over 8 years ago
In 2008 -2012 it was always " Bushs" fault ! Now it is Trumps fault even before he takes office !
John Glynn creator over 8 years ago
I’m not laughing, Bolling.
astutepanther Premium Member over 8 years ago
What’s amazing is that this is a re-working of a SPFC drawn shortly after 9/11, yet every one of the individual strips can be interpreted as making a specific comment on President-Elect Donald Trump:
• Slappy McSudster: Trump has no experience or qualifications to be president
• Marital Mirth: Trump is twice-divorced and has cheated on all three of his wives
• L’il Imps: That time Trump said he tried to seduce a woman “like a bitch” reveals that whenever he says things like “he got fired like a dog,” he means “like a bitch”
• Nathaniel’s Cobble: Reminder that Mitch McConnell and the Republicans still control the Senate, and will do much of Trump’s bidding
• Jenkins: Reminder that the so-called Men’s Rights movement sees Trump’s “win” as a victory over feminism
• My Pet, Peeve: Steve Bannon will be senior counselor to the president
• Oddball: Jared Kushner will also be a top advisor to the president, with Reince Priebus as chief of staff
• Oh, That Boy!: He grabbed women by the pussy!
wayne mills over 8 years ago
MajorPlowshares over 8 years ago
He keeps stealing the punchline! If it wasn’t so sad, I’d say it was absurdist!
joe vignone over 8 years ago
“The horror, the horror!”
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
oh my goodness
Mark Tretter over 8 years ago
We get it Ruben, you hate Trump! Give it a rest!
Kip W over 8 years ago
I hear Trump just settled some outstanding lawsuits for $25M. Nothing to see here!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 8 years ago
He knows when to fold ’em.