Red and Rover by Brian Basset for December 01, 2016
November 30, 2016
December 02, 2016
Red: Rover, I added bright red cherry tomatoes, along with green peas, to your kibble! I think it makes your dog food more festive for the holidays. It's kinda like having little edible Christmas ornaments in your chow.
Our dog seldom gets table scraps but when she does she loves green beans, rice, chicken, fish . . . and anything that falls on the floor when I’m cooking. We don’t let her have onions, though.
Our dogs ate vegetables first because we were also feeding them to the guinea pigs – I guess they figured they didn’t want to be left out. Then my mom started tossing the ends of carrots and tomatoes into the air and they just caught them and probably swallowed without tasting. It got to the point that they would eat anything we tossed them – even medicine! (but no onions or garlic or grapes)
One of our guys loved vegetables: peas, carrots, green beans, but he drew the line at cherry tomatoes. He would pick them up, but not even puncture them before spitting them out.I think it had something to do with the way they felt: soft beneath a tense skin – a little like children’s fingers.
my mom’s Basset hated peas too. When she’d get dinner, she’d eat quietly, and after, Mom would find a nice ring of peas that “Mandy” spit out. She could do that with her pills too!
My dog was once in an eating contest sponsored by a dog food company. He finished way ahead of all the others, but was disqualified for not eating it all. Surrounding the cleaned bowl was a ring of carrots. I protested, “He’s a dog, not a rabbit”, but to no avail.
I'll fly away about 8 years ago
Farley didn’t like peas either.
Catfeet Premium Member about 8 years ago
And fa-la-la to you, too, Red!
Melki Premium Member about 8 years ago
My dog would LOVE that bowl o’ food.
mymontana about 8 years ago
Too Funny! Love you, Rover
LOVE & Hugs – leave out the peas, please
rentier about 8 years ago
No peas and tomatoes?
Plods with ...™ about 8 years ago
If you tell our dog “That’s good for you!” he spits it out. Started with carrots.
TracyFan 65 about 8 years ago
Our sheltie would wolf down peas. Don’t recall trying tomatoes on him but I bet he would have gobbled them down too.
cgale42 about 8 years ago
One of our Boston Terriers would not eat a pea. Put it in a bowl with good stuff and it was still there when he finished, and he ate FAST.
Retired Dude about 8 years ago
Our dog seldom gets table scraps but when she does she loves green beans, rice, chicken, fish . . . and anything that falls on the floor when I’m cooking. We don’t let her have onions, though.
John9 about 8 years ago
My dogs love peas and tomatoes (small pieces)
Ermine Notyours about 8 years ago
Then Red said, “My dog pea-ed on me!”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Now that is some dog that can spit peas!
contralto2b about 8 years ago
Our dogs ate vegetables first because we were also feeding them to the guinea pigs – I guess they figured they didn’t want to be left out. Then my mom started tossing the ends of carrots and tomatoes into the air and they just caught them and probably swallowed without tasting. It got to the point that they would eat anything we tossed them – even medicine! (but no onions or garlic or grapes)
jimsulis about 8 years ago
Just have to love dogs with personalities
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
When I was little, I was told this riddle:
Q: What did you have for breakfast?
A: Pea soup
Q: What did you have for lunch?
A: Pea soup
Q: What did you have for dinner?
A: Pea soup
Q: What did you do all night?
A: Pea soup
ellisaana Premium Member about 8 years ago
One of our guys loved vegetables: peas, carrots, green beans, but he drew the line at cherry tomatoes. He would pick them up, but not even puncture them before spitting them out.I think it had something to do with the way they felt: soft beneath a tense skin – a little like children’s fingers.
Stephen Gilberg about 8 years ago
Bad dog! He goes the extra mile for you and that’s the thanks he gets?
tigerchik32 about 8 years ago
my mom’s Basset hated peas too. When she’d get dinner, she’d eat quietly, and after, Mom would find a nice ring of peas that “Mandy” spit out. She could do that with her pills too!
Maizing about 8 years ago
All the dogs I have ever known have hated peas.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 8 years ago
From a reality point of view, tomatoes are deadly to dogs. But the cartoon is funny.
kelseyjayne25 about 8 years ago
cute idea but not appreciated haha
jthurber about 8 years ago
Tomatoes are a no-no for dogs.
hippogriff about 8 years ago
My dog was once in an eating contest sponsored by a dog food company. He finished way ahead of all the others, but was disqualified for not eating it all. Surrounding the cleaned bowl was a ring of carrots. I protested, “He’s a dog, not a rabbit”, but to no avail.