Far right lightbulb: Linda, will you go out with me? Pink bulb: I don't have a choice, Simon...if you go out, we all go out.
He ain’t the brightest bulb on the string.
Linda and Simon must be starring in a new series.
Just fixed some lights by bypassing a set of bad ones on two different strings. House is looking better than ever.
They’re going to trip the light fantastic.
Next he’ll want you to turn him on.I love the delicate colour hues on the wall!
if he wasn’t so direct and instead alternated his approach he currently would be out with her
I’ll bet that Linda got a jolt out of that one!!
Watt ?
That must be a really old set.
I think she’s just stringing him along!
Even though he was incandescent in his approach, she knew he was just trying to LED her on down to a dark place.
I wish these puns were a filament of my imagination.
I think he got burned out on her.
Is that Goofy Grape on the far left?
Only if you’re wired in series!
oldpine52 over 8 years ago
He ain’t the brightest bulb on the string.
peggykb9 over 8 years ago
Linda and Simon must be starring in a new series.
Farside99 over 8 years ago
Just fixed some lights by bypassing a set of bad ones on two different strings. House is looking better than ever.
Helen Ferrieux over 8 years ago
They’re going to trip the light fantastic.
Jeddo over 8 years ago
Next he’ll want you to turn him on.I love the delicate colour hues on the wall!
jk123 over 8 years ago
if he wasn’t so direct and instead alternated his approach he currently would be out with her
boff0 over 8 years ago
I’ll bet that Linda got a jolt out of that one!!
bigger Nate over 8 years ago
Watt ?
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
That must be a really old set.
Egrayjames over 8 years ago
I think she’s just stringing him along!
MtheMomma over 8 years ago
Even though he was incandescent in his approach, she knew he was just trying to LED her on down to a dark place.
mourdac Premium Member over 8 years ago
I wish these puns were a filament of my imagination.
Radish... over 8 years ago
I think he got burned out on her.
greasy old tam over 8 years ago
Is that Goofy Grape on the far left?
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 8 years ago
Only if you’re wired in series!