Our middle daughter once tried this approach when we were doing some home repair. “Will you pay me to do…?”Her final question was, “Will you pay me a nickel to stay out of the way?”
I am all for encouraging enterprise in youth— the neighbor’s kid mowed my front lawn (the rear is too tough) though I could do it myself. Alas, with the snow season, they (and their snowblower) have moved.
snarkm about 8 years ago
But you own two feet and broken bones don’t heal as well at your age is all I’m saying.
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
Our middle daughter once tried this approach when we were doing some home repair. “Will you pay me to do…?”Her final question was, “Will you pay me a nickel to stay out of the way?”
steverinoCT about 8 years ago
I am all for encouraging enterprise in youth— the neighbor’s kid mowed my front lawn (the rear is too tough) though I could do it myself. Alas, with the snow season, they (and their snowblower) have moved.
Cameron1988 Premium Member about 8 years ago
He’s on a fixed income, Gil