“My wife ran away with a policeman, when I saw the flashing blue lights I thought he was bringing her back!”
An oldie but goodie.
My uncle used to say he wanted to get home fast before any accidents occurred.
A new one.
“I had to poop!”
My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcomingAnniversary.
She said, “I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 In about 3 seconds.”
I bought her a scale.
And then the fight started…
Um; is it just me, but gotta ask: why is the judge allowing Shoe to smoke that stogie in the courtroom???
After 25 years of tracking my gas usage thru 3 cars and can say that fast is more fuel efficient than slow. In other words, 70 is better than 55.
Maybe Shoe was “hyper-miling” and got caught during the downhill acceleration phase.
Rick McKee
oldpine52 about 8 years ago
“My wife ran away with a policeman, when I saw the flashing blue lights I thought he was bringing her back!”
davidf42 about 8 years ago
An oldie but goodie.
contralto2b about 8 years ago
My uncle used to say he wanted to get home fast before any accidents occurred.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 8 years ago
A new one.
katzenbooks45 about 8 years ago
“I had to poop!”
neverenoughgold about 8 years ago
My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcomingAnniversary.
She said, “I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 In about 3 seconds.”
I bought her a scale.
And then the fight started…
Neat '33 about 8 years ago
Um; is it just me, but gotta ask: why is the judge allowing Shoe to smoke that stogie in the courtroom???
Chuck about 8 years ago
After 25 years of tracking my gas usage thru 3 cars and can say that fast is more fuel efficient than slow. In other words, 70 is better than 55.
smeghead57 about 8 years ago
Maybe Shoe was “hyper-miling” and got caught during the downhill acceleration phase.
smeghead57 about 8 years ago
Maybe Shoe was “hyper-miling” and got caught during the downhill acceleration phase.