Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for January 09, 2017

  1. Billete 524
    thetraveller4  about 8 years ago

    Actually, that sounds like a pretty accurate description of Broomie as she already is…I wouldn’t worry if I were her.

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  2. Loneranger100
    William Pursell  about 8 years ago

    AYE sure and even Broomie Luv can’t resist a bargain,resulting in all manner of maladies of side effects most of which are worse than what the medicine was formulated to cure. Silly Broomie Luv!

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  3. Little b
    Dani Rice  about 8 years ago

    Sounds similar to some of the meds I take. If there’s an oddball side effect, I’ll get it.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago


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  5. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    Yes, sometimes the cure is more dangerous than you problem.

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  6. Missing large
    johnnytiggs  about 8 years ago

    Why do all side effects have to be ugly stuff:( Why can’t a side effect make Broom Hilda pretty:) Make her look like Jessica Rabbit:) I’m a guy:( When I take my medication I feeel pretty:) I then put on pink panties, high heels, red lipstick, a form fitting red dress, and dance my pretty ass off up and down the street:) My good neighbors shake their heads or laugh at me:) My bad neighbors sick their dogs on me:( I ain’t lying:)

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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 8 years ago

    Our Broomie may just be the most gullible little green witch around!

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