Drabble by Kevin Fagan for January 29, 2017

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 8 years ago

    When I watch a show “On-Demand” on my cable box, it usually prevents fast-forwarding. But I have found that the Page-Up button skips ahead 10 minutes, from which I can fast-backwards about 7 minutes, skipping the typical three-minute commercial break. It allows me to watch an hour show in about 50 minutes. Life is good.

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  2. Beach chair
    Megamind  about 8 years ago

    Get a TiVo. Skip mode makes it possible to bypass commercial breaks with ease on most networks with just one click.

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  3. Missing large
    rekam Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Those two deserve each other.

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  4. Missing large
    mafastore  about 8 years ago

    First – pschearer you only have 3 minute commercial breaks where you live? Lucky – ours are much longer.

    We gave up decades ago on skipping commercials for just this reason – Beta, VHS, DVD all don’t work for same. Worst of all is that we can no longer even record shows unless we are home and turn on the cable box – which sort of defeats the purpose – as the cable box no longer has a timer to turn it on and only the countdown sleep timer to turn it off.

    Two years ago we put in an antenna to use when the cable is down or doing an extended reboot (as opposed to the 5 minute reboot every night between 4 and 5 am) and he has that set up now to record off of, but only for broadcast shows.

    Mostly I am sitting around listening to husband swear about the changes.

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