“Get the prescription filled, that’s the hard part.”
Given the cash, healthcare providers can be found.
Show them your prescription and you get legal coverage plus HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, privacy protection to keep your name out of the papers.
(Making a movie at the time also provides First Amendment protection and you might even get some of your money back — although forget about privacy.)
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 8 years ago
Here’s the link to the original art:
Copy and paste or highlight the link and right click to go to the page.Thanks!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
“Curse you, high deductibles ! "
coltish1 about 8 years ago
Are moonlight and flowers allowed expenses? Didn’t think so.
J Short about 8 years ago
Get the prescription filled, that’s the hard part.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 8 years ago
A bit of stiffness in need of relief may be covered under chiropractic.
nosirrom about 8 years ago
Isn’t that why the sexagenarian couple had so many doctor visits?
Charlie Tuba about 8 years ago
Maybe Trumpcare will cover it! He did say that he would replace Obamacare with something terrific.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
J. Short said,
“Get the prescription filled, that’s the hard part.”
Given the cash, healthcare providers can be found.
Show them your prescription and you get legal coverage plus HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, privacy protection to keep your name out of the papers.
(Making a movie at the time also provides First Amendment protection and you might even get some of your money back — although forget about privacy.)
Funny_Ha_Ha about 8 years ago
Said the doctor when you reported having an erection over 12 hours.
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 8 years ago
Since my wife is a nurse, I assume she’s an “approved provider.” I can’t wait to submit my claim!
klunker rider about 8 years ago
Usually its the insurance company that’s doing the screwing