The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for January 14, 2017

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    Egrayjames  about 8 years ago

    It has something to do with improving the gene pool.

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    Phred Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Go figure.

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    harrybrau  about 8 years ago

    A pair ….. WAS. This kind of grammar mistake is becoming all too common. Just read some of the program summaries on TV Guide.

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    msprecious  about 8 years ago

    A pair was; two pairs were.

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    katzenbooks45  about 8 years ago

    Agencies need to charge people for their rescues when they do stupid stuff like this.

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  6. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I agree that tax money shouldn’t go to support “stupid stuff”. Problem is where do you draw the line? If you are out for a Sunday drive, no reason, just felt like getting out of the house, and have a wreck, should insurance pay for it just the same as if you were driving to work? If you are putting wallpaper on a wall that was fine with just paint, and fall off the ladder, should you have the same benefits as if you were making a necessary repair? Should we have a “death panel” to decide what qualifies as stupid?

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  7. Treefrog
    skyriderwest  about 8 years ago

    This is a daily occurrence where I live. Skiers going out of bounds, hikers getting lost – two men got lost just before Christmas and they still haven’t found them (or their bodies, by now). No tax payer money involved, though. It is a volunteer back-country rescue group that risks life and limb to find these people. Their concern is, if there was a charge, people would be reluctant to call in when they get lost, and the body count would be even higher.

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    pekenpug  about 8 years ago

    In at least some national parks, if you’re doing what you’re doing without a permit, plan on being charged for your rescue. e. g. it can cost thousands of $$ and involve risking lives to get someone off a mountain.

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    Tonksquawk  about 8 years ago

    We get this in the mountains a lot. Always a reminder that you can’t fix stupid.

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