Looks Good on Paper by Dan Collins for January 08, 2017

  1. Dragonfly clip art  9337
    CeeJay  about 8 years ago

    Very clever! Very funny! I have a feeling, however, that my opinion will be in the minority.

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  2. Dragonfly clip art  9337
    CeeJay  about 8 years ago

    Very clever! Very funny!

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    ziggman14304  about 8 years ago

    Funny. Can’t wait for the emoji fad to be over, though.

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  4. Booboo
    bbear  about 8 years ago

    This is in very bad taste.

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  5. My comic avatar
    NoSleepTil_BKLYN  about 8 years ago

    As a Marine Veteran of Desert Storm, I support your RIGHT to make that cartoon (that is what we supposedly fought for) but I still think it’s in bad taste.

    Just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean you should.

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  6. Meebay149x149
    Dan Collins creator about 8 years ago

    Noted but I still think you are over reacting.

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    Cameron1988 Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Nice one

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    Nicholas Taylor  about 8 years ago

    This is in really bad taste. I’m offended.

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  9. Meebay149x149
    Dan Collins creator about 8 years ago

    This is an iconic photograph in American history. We associate it with the heroism of that battle but it is not the act itself. Cartoonists use icons because they are immediately recognizable to the most people. If I were to directly and negatively comment about the events that happened there instead of putting happy emojis on the guys ( and I’m pretty sure they must have all been very happy at that moment ) then it would indeed be offensive. This bit of good natured play on words of the island’s name in relation to modern day life with the help of a universally recognized image is in no way derogatory of their memory. If you wish to make it seem as such then you do so without my help. My family has also served this country in the armed forces and paid the highest price so don’t assume anything about me personally. My grand father took nazi shrapnel at the Battle of the Bulge and would be horrified at the sight of swastikas and sieg heils we’ve seen this year. If we wish to be offended there is plenty out there we should rightly be devoting our energies to and less about stupid cartoons.

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    Julius Marold Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Well said Yoicks!

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    Another_Keith  about 8 years ago

    Next do the demolition of Saddam’s statue.

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  12. Ytinav
    jreckard  about 8 years ago

    Dan, As a sun worshipper, I’m offended at your belittling maltreatment of Sol!

    (No, I’m not a sun worshipper. Keep up the funny stuff you do.)

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    Jonni  about 8 years ago

    Ji Ma, why didn’t I think of that!

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    gammaguy  about 8 years ago

    As a lover of puns, I love this cartoon. It is a pun, nothing more. It is not a statement — positive or negative — about the men who fought at Iwo Jima.

    There are loads of cartoons, comics, and jokes about God, Christ, and more, yet some of you think this flag-raising image is more “sacred” (off limits)? To the contrary, I think it’s an honor to those men that this parody is universally recognizable.

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