Most of the schools around here don’t even allow homemade treats for just that reason….
In fact, in some places even fresh bakery products are not permitted… only items that come in commercial packaging with all the ingredients listed, and which are labelled “peanut free.”
The kids who can’t have wheat, or gluten, or eggs, or whatever may not be trusted to forgo inappropriate choices …
so the whole class may have additional restrictions, or maybe the already overburdened teacher has to keep a list and deny whatever you brought to certain children.
It’s enough to make you throw up your hands and just bring apples, or raisins.
But wait…. I hear one mother saying…. “I sure hope those are organic!”
It’s funny, Susan. I won’t ever give my family store bought food because I don’t know what’s in it. Factories are allowed a certain number of insect parts and rodent hairs. I don’t know anybody who would feed that to their children.
I would prefer a bran muffin, I don’t eat cupcakes because of the frosting (too much sugar). I would also prefer that you all would consider responding to today’s…
x_Tech about 8 years ago
Once you see the list of food allergies for Elliot’s class, you’ll realize “Air Cookies” are just the thing.
And you don’t have to shop for them.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
Most of the schools around here don’t even allow homemade treats for just that reason….
In fact, in some places even fresh bakery products are not permitted… only items that come in commercial packaging with all the ingredients listed, and which are labelled “peanut free.”
The kids who can’t have wheat, or gluten, or eggs, or whatever may not be trusted to forgo inappropriate choices …
so the whole class may have additional restrictions, or maybe the already overburdened teacher has to keep a list and deny whatever you brought to certain children.
It’s enough to make you throw up your hands and just bring apples, or raisins.
But wait…. I hear one mother saying…. “I sure hope those are organic!”
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
So Tony, meanwhile, asks… “Cupcakes or muffins?”
Hmmm… after what I said above… probably neither.
Tigressy about 8 years ago
“The store is further away from your work than from our house, but who cares!
And since you’re at it, do the rest of the shopping I totally happened to forget."
Knightman Premium Member about 8 years ago
Gee! I will take muffins!!!
As for the parents up above: “Procrastination at its best!”
whiteheron about 8 years ago
“And if by that you mean ‘Elliot isn’t going to be taking any cookies to school’ then you would be right again.”
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
It’s funny, Susan. I won’t ever give my family store bought food because I don’t know what’s in it. Factories are allowed a certain number of insect parts and rodent hairs. I don’t know anybody who would feed that to their children.
GROG Premium Member about 8 years ago
Neither. Bacon and more bacon.
Perkycat about 8 years ago
Well, this has been appetizing! I think I will forego breakfast today…………….not really!
JPuzzleWhiz about 8 years ago
I would prefer a bran muffin, I don’t eat cupcakes because of the frosting (too much sugar). I would also prefer that you all would consider responding to today’s…
Second “Daddy’s Home” Question:
Baked yourself or store-bought?
Jkiss about 8 years ago
I haven’t met a muffin or a cupcake I would pass on. I’m an equal opportunity baked good eater.