We have very little garbage. Monday is recycle day (and we are lucky we don’t have to seperate, some lucky people have that sorting job.)Food scraps go to the ’coons and foxes, and ’possums ( I know that is bad but I put it away from the house and luckily no black bears have shown up)The non-recyclables I haul off every month or so.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
No, son, Dad ask YOU to do it. Also, what sort of responsibility do you yourself even have?
Tigressy about 8 years ago
When is garbage day?
nosirrom about 8 years ago
“When is garbage day?”
Today. (Really it is. I’m not just commenting about today’s strip)
Then again…. No not really
buuut… ;-)
Tigressy about 8 years ago
Today, too! Weekly.
And organic waste Wednesdays every fortnight; paper Thursdays every other fortnight.
Depending on the weather, of course – the new driver chickens out of the narrow and steep driveway here. It’s always clear and sanded, but…
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
Yes, Elliot could have shown some responsibility, there, by voluntarily taking the bins to the curb….
But he’s TEN.
So I’m not quite sure why Peter would expect him to, without being told.
Anyway… why do they have two recycle bins?
And Tony…I don’t know when your garbage day is.
Did you forget?
Knowing mine won’t help you, cos my local garbage company isn’t going to send somebody 3,000 miles to pick up your trash.
And even if they were, it would probably be a different day from the pick-up in my neighborhood..
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
And now, an embarrassed confession….
It was a joke, people…. a joke.
so when she didn’t, I would grumble about having to do it myself ….
The miles I walked, the heavy questions I carried.
and then she left the site (sniffle….)
Now sometimes Tigressy fetches the question; sometimes I do….
a few others have even stepped in…
To me, it’s still funny to pretend I have to travel far….
And to whine and complain….
and PerkyCat plays along.
But honestly…. you don’t really have to thank me for looking at Facebook and copying the question….
though if you’d like to send cookies… or cash…..
I can’t really stop you.
Please, though…. no first-born children, or cows.
I don’t have room.
GROG Premium Member about 8 years ago
Today. And who said Elliot was responsible.
GROG Premium Member about 8 years ago
How about last born children, Susan? Or other smaller livestock?
Tigressy about 8 years ago
A mixed couple of rabbits!
Knightman Premium Member about 8 years ago
Well today is garbage day, tomorrow is recycle day!!!
Susan,…How about a small piglet!!! LOL!!!
whiteheron about 8 years ago
We have very little garbage. Monday is recycle day (and we are lucky we don’t have to seperate, some lucky people have that sorting job.)Food scraps go to the ’coons and foxes, and ’possums ( I know that is bad but I put it away from the house and luckily no black bears have shown up)The non-recyclables I haul off every month or so.
Dani Rice about 8 years ago
We took the garbage out last night, and it was collected at 5:30 this morning. (Ask me how I know.) The recycling goes out tonight.
JPuzzleWhiz about 8 years ago
As it is with nosirrom, so it is with me. And so it is with my asking today’s…
Second “Daddy’s Home” Question:
Ever ask and answer your own question?
Perkycat about 8 years ago
This comic made me laugh. How many of us could have gotten away with saying something like that??
QuietStorm27 about 8 years ago
@Tony Thursday, coming to take it out?
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 8 years ago
To those who asked about Bev…
Yes, we live in different parts of the country,
but we talk and e-mail…. though not as often as we’d like.
She’s doing fine, and while she misses everybody, she simply refuses to come back to this site.
In fact, she left months before the new format…. when image posting was stopped in October, I think she took it kind of personally…
there had been people who attacked her posts and GoComics refused to counter them, and then even seemed to capitulate to them.
So far I’ve not been able to change her mind.
I’ve even told her how much work her absence makes for me here on Daddy’s Home.