Endtown by Aaron Neathery for January 23, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Yes, elections have consequences.

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  2. Bluedoorwaylogo1400
    WorldFusionRadio.com  about 8 years ago

    Do I sense a commentary on recent events?

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  3. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Getting back to Miss Piggy: How many lawyers are in this burg? If I remember correctly, there are around 5,000 inhabitants of Endtown and that was before the little “war” that happened. And it’s not like they can take on cases from out of town. I don’t think a Topsider in trouble can ask for a change of venue and get her as their representative.

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  4. Olive oyl phooey
    Sir Ruddy Blighter  about 8 years ago


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  5. Idano
    Ida No  about 8 years ago

    By the people, for the people, of the people.

    You can fool all the people all the time.

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    cleehilllaw  about 8 years ago

    If I understand the way it was run before, it never was a direct democracy.

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  7. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 8 years ago

    I get the feeling that first the people said they want Jacob Jackrabbit to be their President. Then they said they did not need Walt to be the Mayor anymore. Listening to her was why Walt ran against Jackrabbit in the election, risking his position as Mayor. So… Why should he listen to her now?

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    clacou  about 8 years ago

    This strip is turning into a political commentary, I’ll come back when it returns to sci-fi adventure.

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  9. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 8 years ago

    So not only is Jacob now the big cheese (or carrot, perhaps) but we also have judges and lawyers too? This is the greater good? I suspect that there are many bumps in the road ahead before we reach that destination…. ;-)

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  10. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  about 8 years ago

    So, when do we talk about the use of excessive force by the police (rats)?

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  11. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  about 8 years ago

    Please, let’s not talk about boats.

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  12. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    I don’t understand why she is Scolding him. He didn’t actually “arrest” them, he even admitted that he had no power to do that. But he was big enough to haul them into the police station.

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    Rennjack  about 8 years ago

    I always thought that Dottie had a thing for Walt. So I have to wonder if Aaron is going to do a side story between the two of them along with the mystery of the disappearing swine.

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    kd1sq Premium Member about 8 years ago

    I’ve been waiting for them to become an item for a while, now…

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  15. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  about 8 years ago

    oh no, is fish buddy one of the missing?

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  16. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    Where is Wednesdays’ cartoon? I read it on the other app.

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  17. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    It looked like Portia Pig had died!

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  18. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    It’s now thurs and still no Endtown on go comics. Hasn’t anyone else noticed? I’ve seen it elsewhere.

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