The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for March 12, 2017
Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Brutus: I have a fever, my throat hurts and it feels swollen. Doctor: Have you had your tonsils removed? Brutus: Yes, as a kid. Doctor: Let's have a look - open wide and say "Ahh." Brutus: Ahh. Doctor: Aha! Brutus: Whaa? Doctor: Well, you really are a born loser! Brutus: Huhh? Doctor: Your tonsils have grown back! We will have to remove them again! Brutus: Gaaa!
flyertom almost 8 years ago
Sez you. Looking to buy a new Beemer, Doc?
cubswin2016 almost 8 years ago
What is he, a reptile?
cuzinron47 almost 8 years ago
Persistant aren’t they.
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
Tonsils CAN in fact grow back, and on rare occasions do. The liver is also an organ capable of regenerating which is why you can donate just a part of your liver. Ain’t biology fun?
Jeff0811 almost 8 years ago
Woo hoo, all the ice cream you can eat, round 2.
Caretaker24523 almost 3 years ago
Happened to a friend’s mom. If even a small amount of tissue is left behind, there’s a better than even chance that they’ll grow back.