Jeff Stahler for February 07, 2017

  1. Image
    magicwalnut Premium Member over 7 years ago

    um….Jeff…..that’s “whom”…

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    When you hire inexperienced help, mistakes are made as they learn that the job is not quite as they imagined it to be.

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  3. Pine marten3
    martens  over 7 years ago

    Hey, super, I saw this yesterday and thought you might like to read it:

    Selections from the article:

    “I would suggest that today our fundamental political conflict is over the place of the capitalist economic system in a democracy. The right sees capitalism as the paradigm of freedom: entrepreneurs creating the wealth that enriches both themselves and the nation. The left acknowledges an essential economic role for capitalism — at least for the time being — but also sees it as a fundamental danger to freedom, a constant push away from democracy and toward an oligarchy of the wealthy. Our task is to continue with vigor the arguments about freedom that our founders began.”

    “My proposal is that this endless, rancorous struggle for the soul of America is precisely what we should love about this country. Patriotism is not sharing with our fellow citizens some anemic idealization of what freedom means. It is a matter of engaging them — with everything short of physical violence, from compelling argument to deft political maneuvers — in the rough-and-tumble of political conflict over how we should understand freedom. This conflict remains our only way of working toward the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” our revolution sought. True patriotism now requires not reaching across the aisle; it demands mounting the political barricades.”

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!!!! Mega-truth Smackdown at the arena: Fake News Media vs. Alternative-Facts Trump. Winner-take-all, fight to the death. BE THERE!

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    It’s a slow day at work, what Trump fact should I pick on?


    The “fact” that Trump knows that the media knows about all these terrorist attacks but are keeping them on the hush-hush. After all, terrorist attacks are such boring news and bad for ratings. If people knew about all these attacks then his not-a-Muslim-ban would be less disliked.


    The “fact” that Obamacare is more complicated to dismantle than WE thought it would be. Since when is Trump a “we?” I guess when there’s a mistake made.


    The “fact” that the raid in Yemen was a great success in spite of the U.S. casualties, civilian casualties (including children) a crashed aircraft and oh yes, the “fact” that the guy we were after got away and is thumbing his nose at the “Great Again” America? If that’s success, I’d hate to see what failure looks like. And there were all those hard drives they recovered … 10 years ago. I doubt much was retrieved from the flaming wreckage of the bombed out building unless they hung around until the fires burned out and combed the remains..

    The “fact” that all the polls that are against him are “fake news.” He may have something here since these are the same geniuses that predicted a Clinton victory.


    The “fact” that it’s not a ban, despite how many times the Trumpster says it is in this twits?

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Anyone who thinks American children deserve a decent education.

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    dflak  over 7 years ago

    I know it’s almost impossible to believe, but Trump is a human being. The problem is how much sh*t you’d have to clear away to find the frightened little boy that’s in there. Calling Dr. Jones, Dr. Indiana Jones are you in the house? I have a dig of epic proportions for you.

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  8. Pine marten3
    martens  over 7 years ago

    I know Trump is a human being, and that is why I am so unhappy that he is president while being so completely unfit for it. Unfortunately, though, he is now in a position that could be a disaster for all of us. I would have preferred any one of the others over him, because I am not looking forward to the inevitable melt-down. It will be very ugly, and it will be everyone’s fault for allowing this situation to occur. I don’t like to watch that kind of event.

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