Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for May 22, 2017

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    !!ǝlɐ⅁  over 7 years ago

    Richard Feynman on the beauty of a flower, and this ‘comic strip’ (oh, I wish there were another term for these, so that it doesn’t sound like something less magnificent than it is!) on the belligerant intelligence of Feynman (not that he was necessarily belligerant in his intelligence, but the word leapt to my mind, so

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    billmanjim  over 7 years ago

    All the answers to “why?” are inside that flower.

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    chromosome Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Couldn’t agree more with this ‘comic strip’.

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    Hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Feynman also had a weird sense of humor. Finding a hole in the security fence, he didn’t report it. He crawled through the hole, went to the gate and checked in. He then repeated this routine until security finally noticed he never checked out. That got their attention far more urgently than if he had only reported a hole in the fence.

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    gammaguy  over 7 years ago

    Zorthian said Feynman didn’t understand art. Feynman said Zorthian didn’t understand science. So they agreed to try to teach each other. Feynman was the more successful student. Or Zorthian the more successful teacher?

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    Chrystos B Minot Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Bravo, bravo. As an artist with a very scientific bent (I went to the Colo School of Mines for metallurgical engineering)
. Kudos and Bravo! <3

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    Thehag  over 7 years ago

    Knowledge and aesthetics are limitless.

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    Hippogriff  over 7 years ago

    Once we had Schools of Arts and Sciences – before the divide et regium politicians discovered that making them antagonists would make the rule of those who know neither that much easier.

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