Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for April 09, 2017

  1. Swanavatar150
    robinafox  almost 8 years ago

    It used to be fairly rare for comic stories “to be continued” – yes, a very long time ago. But I still remember my dismay when one of the comics bought for me to read on holiday ended with Superboy living on the streets, having run away from home. I never did find out what happened.

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    cubswin2016  almost 8 years ago

    I like comics as long as I stay away from New 52. I hate it when they change the rules.

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    JanLC  almost 8 years ago

    The “Barbara Gordon” Batgirl disappeared many years ago when Barbara was shot by the Joker and ended up in a wheelchair. When I stopped reading comics (about 15 years ago) the current Batgirl was an Asian woman who had been raised to be an assassin. I don’t know who the current one (if any) may be, but you can bet that she doesn’t have a cloud of red hair like Barbara.

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    WaitingMan  almost 8 years ago

    At $4 a comic, do you really think they’ll tell a one issue story? $4! I remember my outrage when the price of a comic book was raised from ten to twelve cents.

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    grainpaw  almost 8 years ago

    Where would most kids even buy a comic book now? Racks have disappeared from grocery stores, etc., newsstands have closed down as another victim of the internet. Outside of a comic collector’s specialty shop 12 miles away in a town I rarely go to, I don’t know where I would find a new comic book. That’s what killed it for me. I didn’t know they were $4 now. I couldn’t afford that anyway. I don’t know how a kid could. An ordinary paperback costs what minimum wage per hour is. As an eclectic reader, I just take what I can find at library book sales on dollar-a-bag day.

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    rgcviper  almost 8 years ago

    Well, Nancy, maybe this website/button would help you feel a little better …

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    Jim Kerner  almost 8 years ago

    Tune in next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel!

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