Heart of the City by Steenz for March 21, 2017
Mrs. Angelini: Where do you think you're going? Heart: It's spring, Mrs. Angelini! The weather beckons! The rollerblades call! Heart: do you not feel the poetic pull of all those things that lead to sun and the new air?! Mrs. Angelini: at my age, when I feel a pull, I usually head to the bathroom. Heart: Ok, that's not poetic.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
Heart may have her helmet on, but not any elbow/knee pads and wrist guards.
belgarathmth almost 8 years ago
At 51 years old, I know just what Mrs. Angelini means.
sixam almost 8 years ago
Those ballet lessons have paid off. Heart can balance on one wheel of one rollerblade.
magicwalnut almost 8 years ago
I read that last panel too quickly…thought it said “pathetic”.
mggreen almost 8 years ago
When I feel a pull, it’s usually a hamstring or my back . . .
JennyJenkins almost 8 years ago
I see Heart isn’t a bubble wrapped kid. Good for her!
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
There she sits, broken-hearted…