A runner was out for a run when various body parts started a conversation along the lines of who should be in charge. The brain started “I am the brain, the nerve center, I control everything, I should be in charge.” The eyes chimed in “We see everything, we tell you where to go for the best run, the obstacle to avoid” The lungs opened up, “Without us you would not have the oxygen to infuse the blood to take to the muscles to do the work” The legs joined in, “We take you everywhere, without us there is no winning the race we are training for” Then the anus spoke up and everyone laughed. The anus shut down. Pretty soon the brain started to shut down, the eyes got foggy and the legs got weak. “Ok, please get back to work, we give up”, they all said.You don’t have to be the brains to be in charge, just an a$$hole.
Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Where’s Andromeda?
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 8 years ago
Rock paper scissors
cdward almost 8 years ago
Kinda gotta give her his one.
corpcasselbury almost 8 years ago
Dana and the others will never be able to live this down; being outfoxed by Rita, of all people! Woe is them!
belgarathmth almost 8 years ago
Three failed saving throws in a row.
Kim Metzger Premium Member almost 8 years ago
But, now, Rita, try to get anything done without Dana.
mggreen almost 8 years ago
It’s all in the water bottle, dearies. All in the bottle . . .
Teto85 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
A runner was out for a run when various body parts started a conversation along the lines of who should be in charge. The brain started “I am the brain, the nerve center, I control everything, I should be in charge.” The eyes chimed in “We see everything, we tell you where to go for the best run, the obstacle to avoid” The lungs opened up, “Without us you would not have the oxygen to infuse the blood to take to the muscles to do the work” The legs joined in, “We take you everywhere, without us there is no winning the race we are training for” Then the anus spoke up and everyone laughed. The anus shut down. Pretty soon the brain started to shut down, the eyes got foggy and the legs got weak. “Ok, please get back to work, we give up”, they all said.You don’t have to be the brains to be in charge, just an a$$hole.
SackofRabidWeasels almost 8 years ago
Yet another “who is the most powerful Mary Sue” strip from the guy who dreams that his waifu was a Mary Sue, Johnny Z!