When I shop, I want to get in and out. My husband is the shopper. He insists on going down every aisle whether he needs something there or not. And like Herrweh’s wife, he looks at and reads the labels when he has no intention of buying the product – and shows it to me like it is something new and amazing.
Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Don’t worry. She’ll only take a m i n u t e…
Jeff0811 almost 8 years ago
Still beats the alternative.
Deezlebird almost 8 years ago
Why on earth can’t Opal go shopping alone? I prefer it. It takes forever for two.
garcoa almost 8 years ago
However it might be the only exercise Earl gets all day.
Linguist almost 8 years ago
I love my wife dearly, but I hate going shopping with her – particularly for clothes !!
Perkycat almost 8 years ago
When I shop, I want to get in and out. My husband is the shopper. He insists on going down every aisle whether he needs something there or not. And like Herrweh’s wife, he looks at and reads the labels when he has no intention of buying the product – and shows it to me like it is something new and amazing.
Linguist almost 8 years ago
If I had to do it all over again, I would !
I look back on the incredible rollercoaster life I’ve led, and wouldn’t change a thing.
I’ve packed a lot of living into my almost 72 years on this crazy planet and plan to keep on keepin’ on for another 50 more !
I’ve always said that I want to live to be 120 – just to confound my friends and pi$$ off my enemies !
Number Three almost 8 years ago
I kind of agree with Earl.
Life is too long if anything. Apart from those who have terminal illnesses or those involved in terrible accidents.
That’s why I said I “kind of” agree.