Imogen Quest by Olivia Walch for December 04, 2017
hot drink rating: 4/10 coffee is great and all, but if you're really tired there's no hope of it keeping you up. ...unless it's really scalding. hot drink/cold drink rating: 6/10 alternate between coffee/tea and something cold, like a slushie. the temperature difference and nauseating taste combination conspire to keep you conscious. have neighbor punch you rating: 4.5/10 they're generally too nice to actually do it. your best bet is to tell them that you are possible concussed and might never wake up if allowed to sleep. zzz stab self in hand with pen rating: 1.5/10 typically only wakes you up for a second, although this one's efficacy really depends on your willpower. hold feet off the ground rating: 2/10 you always put your feet down. and then there's no more. eat rating: 9/10 actually incredibly effective. just be sure not to run out of food of your get enough sleep the night before rating: n/a this will never happen as long as the internet exists.
Ricky Bennett over 7 years ago
I can vouch for the eating part. I use munchies to stay awake while driving. And munchies plus coffee is a definite 10/10!
Hector The Pet Rock over 2 years ago
idk stabbing myself usually helps a ton.