Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for April 17, 2009

  1. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    Actually GEE1A, there is a simple way to handle Afghanistan: don’t try to rule it, even by proxy–as many who tried have learned to their sorrow.

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  2. Image14
    ChiehHsia  almost 16 years ago

    The only people who can successfully rule places like Afghanistan and Pakistan, as matters stand now, are those with no conscience, no concerns about human rights and/or dignity, and a need for power so overwhelming that they are willing to kill or enslave the entire populace in order to satisfy it. People like the Taliban, or the Revolutionary Guard, or a resurgent Ba’athist party. Are you saying we should get the heck out, and leave those people (I admit to using the term loosely) an opening?

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  3. Seal of akureyri
    NotFromIceland  almost 16 years ago

    Bad back, fried hair, three kids and – as Benj. Franklin said of older women paid attention to by younger men – grateful.

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  4. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  almost 16 years ago

    Jeff, that was suave. You’ll be a good “company” man for sure.

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  5. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  almost 16 years ago

    Roger, but not THAT one…: I agree with your analysis of the situation. I’ve been listening to commentators on the radio (Canadian), and they pretty much say the same thing.

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  6. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    Roger but not that one stated “The only people who can successfully rule places like Afghanistan and Pakistan, as matters stand now, are those with no conscience, no concerns about human rights and/or dignity, and a need for power so overwhelming that they are willing to kill or enslave the entire populace in order to satisfy it.”

    The “as matters stand now” part can be safely deleted, especially in the case of Pakistan–as evidenced by its history!

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  7. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    prasrinivara says: Actually GEE1A, there is a simple way to handle Afghanistan: don’t try to rule it, even by proxy–as many who tried have learned to their sorrow. — The problem is even when America thinks all we’re trying to do is help it always gets interpreted as empire building or ruling by proxy. No matter what the intentions.

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