Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 26, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Ya stuck your foot in it, Boopsie.

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  2. Triscele
    txmystic  over 16 years ago

    Grok: Is it physically painful to harbor so much disdain?

    Just curious…

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    misterwhite  over 16 years ago

    Once again, Trudeau has focused his laser beam on the willingness for McCain to sell his soul to win the White House by pandering to the same neos/evangelicals who tried to crucify him in 2000.

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    llorraine23  over 16 years ago

    Hey Grok, have you tried therapy?

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    Eugeno  over 16 years ago

    There needs to be something about growing up, getting an actual education, not just functional training, and learning about the world - but there’s only so much space - maybe tomorrow - oh c**p - I sound like Annie -

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    misterwhite  over 16 years ago

    There also needs to be something about a candidate for office feeling comfortable about living in the 21st century and not, as Palin intends, rocketing society back to the Bronze Age. Our country is at a crossroads …. our stature is falling worldwide. We don’t need another anti-education, anti-science, anti-Constitution, Bush clone in the White House. And if Bush/McCain/ Palin is elected, Palin will be a heart beat away from the Oval Office.

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  7. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Hey TX! Excellent comment.

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    swolf48110  over 16 years ago

    I propose a GOLD MEDAL for GT for this whole week!

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    longtimecomicsfan  over 16 years ago

    Hey Grok-

    Your post was actually funnier than GT’s strip. So, do the voices come while you’re awake, or only at night?

    To think, we’ll only be one heartbeat away from the Presidential trifecta - Rhodes Scholar to Harvard MBA to Runner-Up Miss Alaska

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  10. Bald eagle
    jimeguess  over 16 years ago

    It is interesting that Trudeau has such hatred for anything conservative. Also, it is interesting that ‘misterwhite’ calls picking a highly qualified candidate (she has more experience that that Obama dude) ‘selling his soul.’ From what pit did THAT comment come? And, ‘going back to the bronze age’? Pitiful, pitiful. ‘…anti-education, anti-science, etc …’ Where did you get THAT drivel? Obviously, you are like Trudeau - you do not listen, you just hate anything conservative; especially someone who is beautiful and smarter than YOU!

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago

    How can you even compare Palin’s experiance to Obama’s? It’s apples and oranges. Obama has been on the world stage for nearly five years, meeting with heads of state, learning about national and international politics at the US Senate level. Palin is just a pretty face some pandering puppetmasters picked out of nowhere because they needed someone who looks good in a skirt.

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  12. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    jimeguess, What planet are you from? This one is dangerously close to not being able to sustain life because of pollution, its economy is close to the greatest depression in history, and you can’t even take a book out of the library without the Fascists in the White House having the right to know about it without you having the right to know they know! Anyone who doesn’t hate everything conservative is part of the problem not part of the solution!

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    FRIDABONITA  over 16 years ago

    Grok when you do go for therapy talk about your fears, you seem to have a few. Best to stay away from female psychiatrists. I hear they sometimes bite.

    tx,mrw,llo & marg you all rock it.

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  14. Bald eagle
    jimeguess  over 16 years ago

    dypak & stpatme,

    Amazing! Where do you live? Where I live the sky is blue, the trees and grass are green, and there is no global warming. Chicken Little must live in your house. I am old enough to remember when times were MUCH worse. Grow up and read history. Also, to say Palin ‘has no experience’ is asinine. Obama being ‘on the worlds stage’ has only been since he started running for president! He has never been a mayor, never run a company, or never been a governor. Sure, his name is on several bills our of Congress. But he NEVER AUTHORED EVEN ONE!! Community organizer? Has he ever met a payroll? Give me a break! Read a bit more about what Governor Palin did with the oil companies in Alaska.

    Sigh …

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