Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 09, 2008
Sam: Why is Uncle Mark reading all those names, Mom? Mark: Ben Campbell, Vicki Hart... B.D.: As the only public service he's ever done - outing Wall Street lobbysits! Mark: Doug Davenport... Sam: What for? B.D.: To expose them for their part in rigging a game that privatizes profit but socializes risk! Mark: Nicholas Calio... Sam: I don't know what that means. Is Daddy mad? Boopsie: Yes. He's taking names. Mark: Mark Buse, Dan...
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
Yah-whoo! The little lady has a role model for a dad.
KingRat over 16 years ago
I assume that he will be giving the names of the democrats tomorrow, like Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Barney Frank, and the wonderful people that donated money to them.
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
Thieves, Pharisees and tax collectors, the lot of them, both parties! All politicians and lawyers should be taken out and hung so we could start over.
crookstonm over 16 years ago
Perhaps after he’s done with all the Washington lobbyists that work for McCain, he can list all the state lobbyists that work for Obama doing the same thing…
jimeguess over 16 years ago
crookstonm, that list would take several weeks, not just a few days like this one is taking …
Notice that Barney Frank is one of the big ‘receivers’ of Fannie Mae and he is on the Senate Finance Committee and said there was no problem last year. Can we say, “Vested interest?”
Eugeno over 16 years ago
never mind the list - just head for ‘K’ street in DC - they’ll be there -
seablood over 16 years ago
The whole point was that McCain is the one who bragged about eliminating the influence of lobbyists. He wasn’t able to do it. But he is still campaigning as if he had really done that. If he doesn’t admit that, then he is lying.
keabu1 over 16 years ago
Trudeau never gives egual time…it’s always republican bashing
bmnot over 16 years ago
Fun fact: The top four recipients of campaign contributions from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae PACs are in decreasing order: Christopher Dodd $133,900, John Kerry $111,000, Barack Obama $105,849, and Hillary Clinton $75,500.
Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago
BD is a great character. He is heroic, tragic and flawed. He’s one of the Doonesburys best characters and his staunch republicanism is proof that Trudeau isnt all about Republican bashing. He bashes stupidity in all its forms. I can recall many times in the past when the Democrates were bashed just as well.
KnifeSmile over 7 years ago
The only people who think Trudeau doesn’t bash both sides are blind partisans. I’ve just read the entire archive from beginning to now as I’m typing this, so I know for damn sure what I’m talking about. He takes on whomever is in power. And frankly the sharpness of his barbs is based on how badly they’ve been earned. Yes, both sides had lobbyists working for them, but only one made a huge point of being anti lobbyists. It’s hypocrisy that’s being pointed out here, not mere association with lobbyists, which the so-called conservatives who complained here failed to grasp. By the way? I like BD in part because he is a GENUINE CONSERVATIVE, which so many who claim to be are not. He believes in accountability, responsibility, competence, and duty.