Worse, there’s scuttlebutt that Nickelodeon may greenlight another animated series about the Monsters Vs. Aliens movie like they did with the two Madagascar movies!
No, they put the kabosh on MVA. No sequel, no series. Just the movie and Halloween special. Kung Fu Panda is still getting a series, and Shrek has a Halloween special coming up real soon.
rmbdot over 14 years ago
Hey! Who green-lighted the spammers?
rmbdot over 14 years ago
“This blatant ripping off of my ideas will not stand!”
You tell’em, Bill.
“Go to the unconsecrated graveyard and dig up my lawyer!”
Quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve read in weeks.
yyyguy over 14 years ago
i agree, rmbdot. this line should go down as a classic in “slagging lawyer” lines.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 14 years ago
Worse, there’s scuttlebutt that Nickelodeon may greenlight another animated series about the Monsters Vs. Aliens movie like they did with the two Madagascar movies!
mrprongs over 14 years ago
No, they put the kabosh on MVA. No sequel, no series. Just the movie and Halloween special. Kung Fu Panda is still getting a series, and Shrek has a Halloween special coming up real soon.
Z-mage over 14 years ago
“How to Train Your Dragon” has also been greenlit for a Nickelodeon series.