“How you doin’ David?”
“Mitherible. Ah got a code.”
“A cold? That’s too bad.”
“Nah, ah like feelin’ mitherible.”
Fun is no fun.
I had fun once, it was awful.
I can’t take every officer off the street! Just most of ’em.
May 12, 2016
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 7 years ago
“How you doin’ David?”
“Mitherible. Ah got a code.”
“A cold? That’s too bad.”
“Nah, ah like feelin’ mitherible.”
Enter.Name.Here over 7 years ago
Fun is no fun.
rudypoogamer over 7 years ago
I had fun once, it was awful.
LtPowers over 7 years ago
I can’t take every officer off the street! Just most of ’em.