Peanuts by Charles Schulz for September 28, 2017

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    jackhs  over 7 years ago

    I thot CB and LVP were too different ages to be in the same class.

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    HeatherMcCrillis  over 7 years ago

    People are allowed to like things you don’t, Chuck.

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    Space_cat  over 7 years ago

    Boss, Teacher, Judge, mother in law, religious leader, they all want to hear only what they want to, best to pay lip service to them. Life is much easier!

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    Boosted (Heavy main in TF2)  over 7 years ago

    YEESH. What a suck-up.

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    Andrew Capp  over 7 years ago

    Most chidren these days just watch the movie version but only if it’s in 3D.

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  6. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member over 7 years ago

    A teacher in one of my grandsons’ class tried something old is new again. She has the kids reading for one whole period a day. They can choose the book as long as it’s a chapter book and appropriate for school. The kids test scores went up in all categories because their comprehension improved, most of them love reading now as well. Every one of them has a town library card as well. Those with trouble reading get one on one help at that time.

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    Wren Fahel  over 7 years ago

    When I was in high school I had a teacher who loved romance novels (of the Harlequin variety). She and I would often chat before class and she told me this. I told her that I thought they were garbage. She said, “Over the summer, read just a couple; in the fall, come back and tell me if you feel the same way.” My mother just happened to have gotten a box of them (she shopped at yard sales and brought some of her finds to consignment shops) so I asked for the box. I read the first one and it wasn’t all that bad! I read the second…a third…a fourth…and it turned out that they were all the same exact story, just with the character names, locations, and certain specifics changed. I don’t remember how many I ended up reading. That fall I handed the teacher a list of the books I had read and said, “They’re STILL garbage.”

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    GumbyDammit223  over 7 years ago

    My first grade teacher was named Miss Halverson too!

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I think that a lot about things I hear nearly every day.

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    johovey  over 7 years ago

    What Linus is doing is diplomacy. Telling folks what they want to hear for a specific outcome. Heck, politicians do it all the time.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    This is one story that Linus, when he becomes the First Pope from the USA. Calling himself Pope Felix IV (2022-2056). Lucy van Pelt was the “sharknado” of Wall St.

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    SusieB  over 7 years ago

    what happened to Miss Othmar?

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  13. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Such a cynical remark from Charlie Brown!

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    Number Three  over 7 years ago

    Not at all.

    I gave my teachers cards and presents.

    Me and my Mum bought my Year 4 and 5 (Grade 4 and 5) teacher a silver charm bracelet.


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    edonline  over 7 years ago

    Although she went to a different school, shouldn’t Peppermint Patty be the one who was held back the most? Not only was she always confused in class, but when first introduced to Marcie, PP was definitely much older but then, at school, they were in the same grade.

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