Alexander the Great needed a way to keep his generals on schedule, so he tied several strips of coloured cloth together and hung the from the edge of his tent. As the shadow passed each color, it help people keep time. It was so successful that it went down in history.
Enter.Name.Here over 7 years ago
“But the Cronolator did not sell. But next he invented the primitive stick-jammed-into-the-ground sundial, and the rest was history…
LeftCoastKen Premium Member over 7 years ago
Chronolator – missed it by THAT much!
RWill over 7 years ago
“Say that again and I’ll clock you!”
docforbin over 7 years ago
That kind of reminds me of that reference to clocks in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar when clocks didn’t exist back in ancient Rome.
sandpiper over 7 years ago
Water clocks did
cubswin2016 over 7 years ago
It is just a clock, grandpa.
Dani Rice over 7 years ago
Alexander the Great needed a way to keep his generals on schedule, so he tied several strips of coloured cloth together and hung the from the edge of his tent. As the shadow passed each color, it help people keep time. It was so successful that it went down in history.
We still talk about Alexander’s rag time band.
GROG Premium Member over 7 years ago
Why he’s coo coo.
Dani Rice over 7 years ago
And thank you, one and all!
zeexenon over 7 years ago
I’m sometimes all wound up and need a drink. Just imagine when they invent mainsprings.
will_ya_001 over 7 years ago
He forgot the pendulum, so it’ll always be 9:05 (or 10:05, the hour hand is a little out of wack based on the minute hand.)