The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for September 17, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    That’s not a plan, Brutus. It’s a pipedream…

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  2. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    You know the old saying:“Hope is not a Plan”.

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    banjinshiju  over 7 years ago

    The best way to win the lottery is not play it. You will be more likely to have the millions put the money you would spend on tickets in a savings account.

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  4. Penguin hero
    grainpaw  over 7 years ago

    I only buy a lottery ticket when I’m getting gas. At 54-64 mpg in my 2000 Honda Insight, that’s about every 4-5 weeks. In the summer, I buy as much gas for the riding mower as I do for the car. So, that’s about 15 tickets a year. Enough to satisfy the urge, not enough to make me or break me, and, there is always that long shot chance of winning.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    That’s why lottery tickets are derisively referred to as “redneck retirement plans” or for people who are “bad” at math! ‘Unfortunately’ for me, I’ve had college-level Statistics and understand what the odds REALLY mean of winning ANYTHING substantial! My state uses part of the windfall from people’s greed and stupidity to offer scholarships, so, since I can afford it, I buy tickets every week. Hey, it beats ‘wasting money’ on smokes or beer!

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  6. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 7 years ago

    Somebody has to win eventually. Might as well be me. I just don’t buy them very often.

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    1004mike  over 7 years ago

    Ergo…Born Loser

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  8. Calvplay   2
    Mentor397  over 7 years ago

    That’s my plan too.

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