Heart of the City by Steenz for September 04, 2017
Heart: Why does the day before school starts have to be labor day?! Heart: It's like the calendar is mocking me, reminding me, the next nine months of my life will be nothing but work! Heart: AAAAAUUUGHH! Mom: Every year, like clock work, we await the plaintive wail of the back to school whiner.
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
In some states of the US, school starts days before Labor Day. In others, weeks before LD.
blunebottle over 7 years ago
Cue funeral march music.
VICTOR PROULX over 7 years ago
I’ve been out of school for over 50 years, and I still get a little bummed by “back to school sales.” I’m with Heart.
Axeɫ handeɫ over 7 years ago
Don’t worry. everything’s going to be all right.
neatslob Premium Member over 7 years ago
Our back-to-school day was the Thursday before a Labor Day. That way we had a two-day week, a long weekend, and a four-day week before we got into it full time. I suppose it was a way of easing us into it, both the kids and the teachers.
GaryCooper over 7 years ago
Heart enjoys a glass of whine with dinner.
JP Steve Premium Member over 7 years ago
I know I’m just a guy, but I thought “Labor Day” came after nine months of misery…
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
And elsewhere, in the distance, you can hear the clinking of ice in a glass held by teachers, awaiting their low-paying jobs looking after brats.
benjnavarro28 almost 2 years ago
Wait til you get to college