I would prefer to watch the Running of the Bulls rather than a Bullfight. Ironically at least with Running of the Bulls the bull gets a fighting chance. Also you get to watch a 2nd show along with Running of the Bulls…The Darwin Awards.
If an alien civilization were watching Earth, they would detect an elevated level of methane in our atmosphere. Methane eventually combines with oxygen and should disappear, so this means something is producing it. Bovines produce a large amount of methane in their intestines. Therefore bullsh*t is proof of life on Earth.
Farside99 over 7 years ago
“Making the people run” is more like it. Maybe “Giving some of them the runs” is even closer.
Jeff0811 over 7 years ago
I would prefer to watch the Running of the Bulls rather than a Bullfight. Ironically at least with Running of the Bulls the bull gets a fighting chance. Also you get to watch a 2nd show along with Running of the Bulls…The Darwin Awards.
DanFlak over 7 years ago
That’s a lot of bull.
DanFlak over 7 years ago
If an alien civilization were watching Earth, they would detect an elevated level of methane in our atmosphere. Methane eventually combines with oxygen and should disappear, so this means something is producing it. Bovines produce a large amount of methane in their intestines. Therefore bullsh*t is proof of life on Earth.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 7 years ago
That could have a terrabull outcome.