Okay, you got me on this one. I’m pretty sure it’s an homage, but I can’t place it for sure. Probably a Beach Boys album cover or something like that. Next?
Back in the 60s, Simon & Garfunkel once joked about doing a surfboard cover like that themselves. Their other idea they thought would be a laugh would have been titling an album “So Young And Yet So Full Of Pain.”
I guess if you guys titled this ‘ENDLESS SUMMER’ you would get sued (as it Brian and his bros. don’t enough money).Then Jay steps on a crab that claws his big toe and he goes“Ooo-weeEEEEEEee-oooooo”…..Hey it worked for Brian and The Boys, and Jan and Dean. As a matter of fact that surf background looks like it came from the album cover, Carolina would’ve been perfect for their covers. I just found myself humming ’Carolina, No’ and YES I know the title is ‘CAROLINE No’.
Futabakun Premium Member over 7 years ago
Okay, you got me on this one. I’m pretty sure it’s an homage, but I can’t place it for sure. Probably a Beach Boys album cover or something like that. Next?
oldpine52 over 7 years ago
You have to wonder about these guys, their all looking the wrong direction.
hawgowar over 7 years ago
How about a closeup of Carolina?
hawgowar over 7 years ago
How about a closeup of Carolina?
It’s from “Surfer Girl” by the Beach Boys. I have the vinyl album.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 7 years ago
Here you go…..
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Thanks, Scott and John, for not including Sal…..
and especially Melvin!
Bruce1253 over 7 years ago
We will still be getting into the 80’s in October here in San Diego. If we get a Santa Ana, we’ll be in the 90’s.
Plods with ...™ over 7 years ago
The album didn’t have a Carolina view.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 7 years ago
Back in the 60s, Simon & Garfunkel once joked about doing a surfboard cover like that themselves. Their other idea they thought would be a laugh would have been titling an album “So Young And Yet So Full Of Pain.”
b2plusa2 over 7 years ago
Let’s see, MMM has 4 ‘decent guys’ and 3 one-dimensional goof-guys. That I know of. I think the guys are outnumbered by the gals.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 7 years ago
That’s seven. Are you counting Norm?
tracybsmith over 7 years ago
Excellent cover of a cover!!
Christopher Vickers over 7 years ago
Faved for Carolina. Nice back dimples!
TheDOCTOR over 7 years ago
I guess if you guys titled this ‘ENDLESS SUMMER’ you would get sued (as it Brian and his bros. don’t enough money).Then Jay steps on a crab that claws his big toe and he goes“Ooo-weeEEEEEEee-oooooo”…..Hey it worked for Brian and The Boys, and Jan and Dean. As a matter of fact that surf background looks like it came from the album cover, Carolina would’ve been perfect for their covers. I just found myself humming ’Carolina, No’ and YES I know the title is ‘CAROLINE No’.