I enjoy this comic strip. I don’t want to sound sexist…but…why does this cartoonist draw females with flat chests all the time? I read about 50 comics here everyday, and this is the only comic with this “feature.” I will enjoy reading comments about this…I think.
DanFlak about 7 years ago
Did her phone cancel the appointment for her?
Yeah, I know and I actually do eat an apple a day.
Cozmik Cowboy about 7 years ago
Diurnal ingurgitation of a singular pomme exercises non-appearance of a curative practitioner!
cuzinron47 about 7 years ago
Hope this doesn’t get around, it could ruin his/her practice.
donhendon1 about 7 years ago
I enjoy this comic strip. I don’t want to sound sexist…but…why does this cartoonist draw females with flat chests all the time? I read about 50 comics here everyday, and this is the only comic with this “feature.” I will enjoy reading comments about this…I think.