Very smooth. Fink is a sly one. He knows exactly how to appeal to their patriotism
I think there was only one name in the bag!
The original ‘bait & switch’…
Unfortunately, Terry was crushed in the stampede to sign up…
Somehow I don’t see Terry serving in same location as the rest who may volunteer
Good strategy there King.
Parker and Hart
Mastroianni and Hart
sandpiper over 7 years ago
Very smooth. Fink is a sly one. He knows exactly how to appeal to their patriotism
Diat60 over 7 years ago
I think there was only one name in the bag!
comixbomix over 7 years ago
The original ‘bait & switch’…
ChessPirate over 7 years ago
Unfortunately, Terry was crushed in the stampede to sign up…
John M over 7 years ago
Somehow I don’t see Terry serving in same location as the rest who may volunteer
brklnbern over 7 years ago
Good strategy there King.