Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for November 17, 2017

  1. Flag 08.21.24
    jarvisloop  over 7 years ago

    “Ludy”? Is this first time for that shortened name? I can remember only “Luddie” before this.

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  2. Tyge
    Tyge  over 7 years ago

    Our “domesticated” feral cat just drops them off. She’s fed so well that, IMHO, she thinks she’s returning the favor. She is so picky about her wet food brands I don’t know why she would ever lower herself to eat a mouse. I guess she’s “been there, done that” as has moved on up.

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    Cozmik Cowboy  over 7 years ago

    In my youth, i had a roommate who had a cat (don’t judge; he was a good person anyway). Being a professional musician, he would often be gone for extended periods. Every time he came home, he would awken the next day to a mouse head & spine on the other pillow.

    Of course, on the other hand, every time he brought a woman home (with one exception), she’d pee in his bed. “She” being the cat, not the girl.

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    sfreader1  over 7 years ago

    I put mousetraps out in my garage. One time, there was only a head on one of the traps. Don’t know what ate the body. Cats cannot get into the garage when it is closed. It is a mystery to me.

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    Dixie Lee  over 7 years ago

    Our cats are always bringing up mice, moles, lizards, and the occasional bird. One of mine brought me a baby cotton mouth once oh it was still alive. They do it to show you love. Hey they can’t go to the stores to get you one. I guess having outside cats you can expect gifts every once in a while.

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    Emperor Rick  over 7 years ago

    Mine brings them in at night and leaves them next to the bed for me to find in the morning. Squish!

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  7. Chanter
    Brian Fink  over 7 years ago

    Cats think we are terrible hunters so they want to make sure we are fed.

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  8. Rudy
    ARLOS DAD  over 7 years ago

    Awww, Janice didn’t get to see it…

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    JP Steve Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Our fearless hunter bagged himself a jay and left it under our bed. We didn’t clue in until we went searching for where the flies were coming from…

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  10. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I had a cat who used to put a fresh mouse under the Christmas tree among the gifts every single year. Then over the summer he would put one on my dad’s grill. He tried hard to please us but it was never to be. We never bbq’d his mice.

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  11. Cathy aack Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Tyge: My “domesticated feral” just plays with them….and some of them pick up on it and play with him…he rarely kills anything.

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