Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for November 10, 2017

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    katzenbooks45  over 7 years ago

    Q: Why do bagpipers March when they play?A: To get away from the sound.

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  2. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 7 years ago

    I really did LOL at this, but bagpipes can also be hauntingly beautiful.

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    jermmkay  over 7 years ago

    I play bagpipes and you have to have a pretty thick skin to endure all the jokes. But I agree with Cerabooge: when tuned well and played well it’s one of the most beautiful sounds.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I think that Bagpipes in the distance sound good.

    …in the distance…

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    So Horace became a Scot?

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    BlueFin Premium Member over 7 years ago

    That ‘power of music’ began to take me to ‘another place’ already when I was 13 years old kid. I had to travel by a train 15 miles to the closest town’s record shop to buy an LP-record. And that was Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish you were here.’ Wasn’t so easy those days than nowadays…

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    Sherlock Watson  over 7 years ago

    This is why bagpipes are only played at funerals; dead people can’t complain.

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    Satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny  over 7 years ago

    I’ve gotta stand up for bagpipes. I love ’em.

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    PappyFiddle  over 7 years ago

    Bagpipes either instill joy or loathing in the listener, usually loathing. That’s why the British, after they conquered the Scots, drafted their pipers into their army. Their music filled their enemies with dread and confusion. If not, then the pipers in the front ranks would absorb a few bullets anyway.

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  10. Bluefinlogo
    BlueFin Premium Member over 7 years ago

    My music wishes to Samuli; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kz6WSylS1Y

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  11. Bluefinlogo
    BlueFin Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The artist is down! He couldn’t copy anymore! He got the weight of the world upon his shoulders! Became a beast of burden! Lost his creativity! Wish to release him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CONdOuNIv80

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