Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for December 17, 2017

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 7 years ago

    Very classic-looking Nancy art today!

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  2. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  almost 7 years ago

    And then, Fritzi makes them eat it in front of everyone as punishment for wasting food…

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  3. Missing large
    lambert2015  almost 7 years ago

    It would be unfit to eat anyway, dirt and asphalt mix.

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  4. Grey haired lady2
    Caerin Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Hmm, I don’t think children think like that! If they actually did get fruit rollups, they wouldn’t let a little thing like a bit of sand or tar deter them!

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    InquireWithin  almost 7 years ago

    Maybe they wrapped ’em in wax paper, but even so, the hot oil from the roller would utterly ruin it. Blech.

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  6. Sneaky garfield  solar eclipse  002
    Sneaker  almost 7 years ago
    Some of the kids from Rug rats would eat them!
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  7. Jolie album
    brklnbern  almost 7 years ago

    Just how a kid thinks.

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  8. 67c1ced3 35ea 4c49 adce 891ffdf7732a
    johnnyjr6292  almost 6 years ago

    Well it was worth a try.

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