Bloom County 2019 by Berkeley Breathed for November 20, 2017

  1. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Steve may indeed have moronic pigmanship in his past, but in the present, he makes a pretty respectable nanny for Sam.

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    thirdguy  over 7 years ago

    How recent a past are we talking about? Because it seems like, just one sin, no matter how long ago, is cause enough to lose everything. That is, unless you are a certain Orangutan who denies everything.

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  3. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  over 7 years ago

    Yes, Milo, there ARE a few of us left….

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  4. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 7 years ago

    Everybody does, both male and female… then (hopefully quickly), you grow up.

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  5. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 7 years ago

    Love Bill in panel 4, BTW.

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  6. Citizens for a canadian republic
    A Hip loving Canadian...  over 7 years ago

    There are lots of us…

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  7. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 7 years ago

    Good to see that Sam is up and a LOT more active!

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  8. 631politics
    Edmond Dantes  over 7 years ago

    I confess.

    I have been a pig.

    But only in situations where the lady actually liked the pork lo mein.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The thing that amazes me the most about the responses to molestation, other sexual attacks, and simulations at various ages is how some males of certain ages seem to be unable to tell the differences between the acts, seem unable to consider differences in ages on each side, seem to consider their own political allegiances as more important than weighing what happened, and seem to still hide in the old myth that the victims must somehow be to blame (and according to that myth would be safer if they had been better so their own cherished daughters and graddaughters must be safe (right? No.)), as well as not understanding the bravery it takes to speak out and the further risks that are too often part of doing so.

    One comfort in the various revelations is that most of the accused are people in their fifties or older. There is a lot we all have learned over the decades, but maybe – if the nation is very lucky – a decent number of younger adults are much wiser, fairer, and less deluded than our generations were, and more young men realize that women’s bodies belong to the women and are not free samples.

    The false equating really gets to me, though. In what delusion are there not differences? Teenagers are going to act like teenagers, but have hopefully been given some limits. I suspect that most (gender independent, actually) who have some past embarrassing or even shameful incidents have them from those still quite young years and still kick themselves which is a much better and more responsible reaction than denial in the face of many accusers.

    An adult behaving like a fourteen year old, grinning idiotically and posing like he is about to maybe touch the breasts of a sleeping adult female through a bra, shirt, thick sweatshirt, and padded vest in front of others is juvenile. It is embarrassing for both, if the victim were aware it could have been intimidating, and it really calls judgement into question.


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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago


    That is a far cry, though, from actual molestation and intimidation (or worse attacks) upon adult victims.

    In turn those are a far cry from such attacks (and worse, yet, serial attacks) on teen age girls or boys, especially by adults since adults are way, way old enough to know better. Teens may be getting more adult bodies, but in so very many ways they are still children. (The aggressors who are teens need to learn self-control but hopefully have some limits in place so that nothing worse than unwanted touching happens, and the victims need to know that their victimization is not their fault.).

    Predation upon such children, and serial sexual predation with intimidation upon children is a far cry from a simulated photo that embarrasses the victim. Both are bad, but they are so very different and i wish people, even people i know, would stop trying to equate them. No wonder it is so hard to prosecute with so many who embrace myths and delusions and are not able to weigh the actions.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Final note after my two above: and yes, i know that a small percentage of teens do commit rape, too, and almost was so victimized in such a situation but friends arrived and fought him. An attack that extreme deserves punishment for the aggressor and help and support for the victim.

    Our society still has progress to make, but until people let go of their delusions and myths progress will be slowed.

    Sexual attacks are ultimately more about power than sex, with sex as the weapon, power which a responsible society woukd remove from the attackers.

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  12. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  over 7 years ago

    Breathed’s rendering of Opus is priceless. I envy cartoon artists’ their gift.

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  13. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 7 years ago

    Yes, Sam, Bill the Cat is sorta scary. —Until he collapses.

    Carry out the cat carcass! Call the understudy penguin in!

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  14. Cathy aack Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Seems not.

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    johnec  about 7 years ago

    Not you – Opus. Or have you forgotten the sordid time you spent on the runway, romancing the pole?!

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