I often try to come up with gags featuring people behaving in totally ridiculous ways. In theory, my characters are doing and saying things too absurd for real life.
CNN had a report on how this administration was affecting late night comedy. I didn’t see it but when I heard about it the first thought that entered my head was: "Well, to begin with it eliminates the need for joke writers. "
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 7 years ago
Here’s the link to the original art.
Copy and paste or highlight the link and right click to go to the page. Thanks!
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 7 years ago
I often try to come up with gags featuring people behaving in totally ridiculous ways. In theory, my characters are doing and saying things too absurd for real life.
Sigh. It’s getting harder every day.
PICTO about 7 years ago
@JOHN…You can’t make this stuff up.
J Short about 7 years ago
And the Weiner of today’s sexual harassment challenge is….
ekw555 about 7 years ago
I think that should either be “pics” or “pix”.“pixs” does not seem right.
and I sympathize with you John.given the antics constantly being revealed/exposed/reported, they’ve left you little ground.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 7 years ago
Some comedy writes itself
Lyman Elliott Premium Member about 7 years ago
CNN had a report on how this administration was affecting late night comedy. I didn’t see it but when I heard about it the first thought that entered my head was: "Well, to begin with it eliminates the need for joke writers. "
Pharmakeus Ubik about 7 years ago
Since this guy is some disgusting amalgam of Ernest Borgnine and Perry White, I’m not surprised he’s getting no action with that wormy bait.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 7 years ago
Go read today’s (11/30) Tom the Dancing Bug. This guy looks like one of the Sergeants.
Charlie Tuba about 7 years ago
That must be Donald. The President who doesn’t have a clue.