So much for the theory of putting the expensive, breakable decorations at the top of the tree and the cheap ones at the bottom.Good morning everyone. NJ got a couple of inches of snow this weekend but no shovelling thank goodness! Hope everyone has an exceptional day today!
DEE K GC INSIDER 2 MINUTES AGOOn an entirely unrelated topic, SHAUNMUNN, I’ve decided that I will think of all of our cats as “orbsters” or maybe “orbettes” from now on…seeing as how they live in their own little orbs and yet, through our devotion to this wonderful comic strip, have become by default an integral part of the BCN MegaOrb. I hope you approve
Off topic: I finally figured out how to add an avatar. Introducing my oldest cocker puppy who proves that not only cats like the tiniest box. Here he is attempting to fit all of him into the basket I had intended for the cats. Lucky he did not cause it to split but it did result in a photo I call “dog muffin”. BTW, I kept trying to find a way to edit avatar in “my account” but it turns out the place is “view profile”. Click on the grey circle with the white question mark and follow instructions to upload a photo or whatever.
Dear Georgia and the BCN Mega Orb, Good afternoon from a white Hoosier home! Hope you’re all merry & bright! Keepin’ the heat on in my orb! Brrrrr!>^.,.^< :-)
@JacquelinDavis: Concerned about you lovely! You haven’t commented in two days I think . . ((sending good orb bumps your way)) Please comment if you can to let us know you’re okay dear. xoxoxo
Oh Georgia, where would we be without you? I’ve found only two boards I like to communicate on, and one I LOVE! Guess which is BCN?
I really mean it! Where would we be? We wouldn’t have a Mega Orb, a common center, a core of love. Nor would we have a protective mantle to surround us, and gather us together as a unit!
Like Nemo, we were swimming around in a vast web ocean. No place to keep safe from the sharks! Then you came, and invited us into your orb, which allowed us a haven, a refuge where we could rest our orbs, and grow!
Instead of trying to rely on outside protection, which might swim away into the web when we needed it most, we now have a place where one is for all and all are for one!
A kind lady with artistic skill, a great hubby, & family of babies & kitties. Who SAYS miracles don’t happen? I know a miracle when I see one. And I see Georgia Dunn!!!! >^.,.^< May blessings shower on our Great Orb Leader!!!!! :-)))))))))))
Those of us who have read and those of us who haven’t, need to put our hearts together and pray that all homeless babies find their ways home by Christmas.
Just saw the U.S. weather 24 hr. history. NOW I see what our southern orbsters encountered. Hope everyone is OK & aMaizing got to her shops!
Folks, I hesitate to mention that more fun in on the way! But for orbsters who enjoy snow, I hope you have loads of fun!
An idea for those who can’t put precious ornaments on their trees: Sis has the family ornaments and she has a little glass-fronted curio cabinet where she puts her “kitty can’t touch ’ems”. A bit of fake greenery to prop them up helps, as do the frames that display plates upright. Perhaps suspending from an upper shelf with a tack gently pressed into it, so it dangles freely? If you have anything similar, maybe it can show your ornaments for the season?
Hugs and love to my Mega Orb family (may I call you that?)! ^.,.^< :-)))))))))))))
And if anyone wonders why you don’t hear much from Sis, she needs to use the library computer or mine, & I only get to see her every week or so. She had trouble setting up her GoComics account, but that’s fixed! If weather permits her to come here, I’ll see she messages you. LOTS of messages to catch up on, and she wants to read them all! Poor sweetie!
poppet bear about 7 years ago
Er … that’s not junk Lupin. I don’t think the Woman will be pleased about that when she gets back inside.
butler2jc about 7 years ago
he always did like food, especially when the food bowl in his tummy is empty
DankMemes about 7 years ago
Elvis liked food, so did Tommy
Lady Bri about 7 years ago
I just had to LOL at Pucky’s “He always did like food.” And if he was there right now he’d be so angry!
Rosette about 7 years ago
Of course, the junk must be tossed off the Vegas fir in order to see better. Good thinking, Lupin!
Rosette about 7 years ago
More bubblegum toe beans!
Rosette about 7 years ago
Panel 2 is a lovely drawing – Georgia is having fun with perspective!
cat19632001 about 7 years ago
Lupin will go to any lengths and scale any heights to bring loyal BCN watchers the complete story.
cat19632001 about 7 years ago
Meanwhile, Puck tries to keep his spirits up through the vigil with a mug of hot cocoa.
DennyWheeler about 7 years ago
Dang. Didn’t show the ‘time outside’ counter. Burt, whassup with that?
Krazgamer about 7 years ago
Only … ONLY … fifteen comments! Usually, when I log on around 5a Pacific time, there’s dozens.
Gloria Fleming about 7 years ago
Gloria Fleming about 7 years ago
i’m having trouble with the bottom left corner of panel 4, is it a bird??
Serendewi about 7 years ago
“Vegas Fir” always makes me smile.
oops Premium Member about 7 years ago
DEE K GC INSIDER 2 MINUTES AGOOn an entirely unrelated topic, SHAUNMUNN, I’ve decided that I will think of all of our cats as “orbsters” or maybe “orbettes” from now on…seeing as how they live in their own little orbs and yet, through our devotion to this wonderful comic strip, have become by default an integral part of the BCN MegaOrb. I hope you approve
ladykat Premium Member about 7 years ago
I guess the woman is crouching in the show; otherwise, she is waist-deep in it.
arolarson Premium Member about 7 years ago
Off topic: I finally figured out how to add an avatar. Introducing my oldest cocker puppy who proves that not only cats like the tiniest box. Here he is attempting to fit all of him into the basket I had intended for the cats. Lucky he did not cause it to split but it did result in a photo I call “dog muffin”. BTW, I kept trying to find a way to edit avatar in “my account” but it turns out the place is “view profile”. Click on the grey circle with the white question mark and follow instructions to upload a photo or whatever.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago
Please, boys, don’t start talking in the past tense.
Kitty Katz about 7 years ago
What are a few glass ornaments when your friend is missing?
Maizing about 7 years ago
I would like to thank everyone for the prayers and warm wishes for my sister. I will let her know that the BCN orb has her well being on their minds.
shaunnmunn about 7 years ago
Dear Georgia and the BCN Mega Orb, Good afternoon from a white Hoosier home! Hope you’re all merry & bright! Keepin’ the heat on in my orb! Brrrrr!>^.,.^< :-)
Lady Bri about 7 years ago
@JacquelinDavis: Concerned about you lovely! You haven’t commented in two days I think . . ((sending good orb bumps your way)) Please comment if you can to let us know you’re okay dear. xoxoxo
bluegirl285 about 7 years ago
Try tuna. That’s what worked for my cat when she got lost literally “inside” the house.
shaunnmunn about 7 years ago
Oh Georgia, where would we be without you? I’ve found only two boards I like to communicate on, and one I LOVE! Guess which is BCN?
I really mean it! Where would we be? We wouldn’t have a Mega Orb, a common center, a core of love. Nor would we have a protective mantle to surround us, and gather us together as a unit!
Like Nemo, we were swimming around in a vast web ocean. No place to keep safe from the sharks! Then you came, and invited us into your orb, which allowed us a haven, a refuge where we could rest our orbs, and grow!
Instead of trying to rely on outside protection, which might swim away into the web when we needed it most, we now have a place where one is for all and all are for one!
A kind lady with artistic skill, a great hubby, & family of babies & kitties. Who SAYS miracles don’t happen? I know a miracle when I see one. And I see Georgia Dunn!!!! >^.,.^< May blessings shower on our Great Orb Leader!!!!! :-)))))))))))
smorbie the great and beautiful about 7 years ago
Those of us who have read and those of us who haven’t, need to put our hearts together and pray that all homeless babies find their ways home by Christmas.
Sue Ellen about 7 years ago
Check out today’s “Off The Mark” here at Go Comics to see this from the ornaments’ point of view;)
shaunnmunn about 7 years ago
Just saw the U.S. weather 24 hr. history. NOW I see what our southern orbsters encountered. Hope everyone is OK & aMaizing got to her shops!
Folks, I hesitate to mention that more fun in on the way! But for orbsters who enjoy snow, I hope you have loads of fun!
An idea for those who can’t put precious ornaments on their trees: Sis has the family ornaments and she has a little glass-fronted curio cabinet where she puts her “kitty can’t touch ’ems”. A bit of fake greenery to prop them up helps, as do the frames that display plates upright. Perhaps suspending from an upper shelf with a tack gently pressed into it, so it dangles freely? If you have anything similar, maybe it can show your ornaments for the season?
Hugs and love to my Mega Orb family (may I call you that?)! ^.,.^< :-)))))))))))))
And if anyone wonders why you don’t hear much from Sis, she needs to use the library computer or mine, & I only get to see her every week or so. She had trouble setting up her GoComics account, but that’s fixed! If weather permits her to come here, I’ll see she messages you. LOTS of messages to catch up on, and she wants to read them all! Poor sweetie!
TaLiThApEaRmAn:D over 3 years ago
Where I live we don’t ever get snow =^. .^=