Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for December 16, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 7 years ago

    Mr. Craig must’ve be in the uncredited credits. (I wonder what big-shot actor of these days is in “The Last Jedi.” Perhaps Brandon Routh?)

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    wmwiii Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Great. As if we didn’t already have enough to worry about, now we have meat-eating caterpillars.

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    Leroy  about 7 years ago

    I was in a snow thunderstorm, stranded for the night around tree line on Longs Peak in Colorado, with just a little tarp for shelter. It was pretty frightening!

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  4. Ranger gord
    PMark  about 7 years ago

    Yes, I’ve experienced snow-thunder once or twice myself.

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    James Wolfenstein  about 7 years ago

    Craig is an actor. He did a gig as an extra. Extras are not credited. What’s the point? Where’s the secret? An interesting fact could be he being a real James Bond and doing that as part of his mission to investigate an evil corporation. In this case, Disney being the evil corporation… Oh… wait… (/&%/$%/ Modem failure /)/&(%$$&/%( Transmission interrupted

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    h.v.greenman  about 7 years ago

    I didn’t realize Thundersnow storms were rare, they seem to be fairly common in the north Texas area

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    joefearsnothing  about 7 years ago

    What meat does this carnivorous caterpillar eat?

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    drycurt  about 7 years ago

    I once saw the opposite of a snow thunderstorm – snow falling from a clear blue cloudless sky. And yes, I am sure it was not just blowing; there was no wind and I was riding a bicycle for two miles with no buildings or trees close by.

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  9. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  about 7 years ago

    They eat vegan caterpillars.

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  10. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Thundersnow can’t be that rare. Everywhere I have lived has had thunder with at least 1 out of 3 snow storms. Even here in Alabama we have thundersnow.

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  11. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Thundersnow happens wherever there are strong updrafts. Basically, if it can hail, it can thundersnow.

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