Couple of pints of persuasion?
This is the only one of a dozen of my strips that has updated today. What’s going on GC?
I only had 2 that were updated today….huh?
I guess I was one of the lucky ones: 65 updates. Must be the writers have taken an early Christmas break to catch up on their shopping.
Suitcase full of Benjamins,didn’t hurt :~(
Sounds like Mueller time
Wet his whistle, then gave him concrete boots, and took him for a swim in the East River.
Rick McKee
PICTO about 7 years ago
Couple of pints of persuasion?
JD'Huntsville'AL about 7 years ago
This is the only one of a dozen of my strips that has updated today. What’s going on GC?
Rise22 about 7 years ago
I only had 2 that were updated today….huh?
Hex Goblinweb about 7 years ago
I guess I was one of the lucky ones: 65 updates. Must be the writers have taken an early Christmas break to catch up on their shopping.
Herb L 1954 about 7 years ago
Suitcase full of Benjamins,didn’t hurt :~(
somebodyshort about 7 years ago
Sounds like Mueller time
Linguist about 7 years ago
Wet his whistle, then gave him concrete boots, and took him for a swim in the East River.