Fred Basset by Alex Graham for December 30, 2017

  1. Kalkkuna
    Kalkkuna  about 7 years ago

    Now, picture Fred following suit…

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    chienetfou  about 7 years ago

    Not likely,Kalkkuna. Fred has the decency to take his bits off the table and eat them somewhere else in private.

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  3. J0407525
    She Mc  about 7 years ago

    Jealous Fred? he got there first!

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    dogday Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Shouldn’t that be that Yorky likes his cuisine haute (high)?

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    WF11  about 7 years ago

    It’s amazing how small (and short) dogs manage to get up on tables, etc. (as in Yorky’s case here). In my experience it has been Dachshunds!

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    1004mike  about 7 years ago

    It would be about now you’d see a furry butt flying through the door.

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