Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for January 26, 2018

  1. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 6 years ago

    Good Chilly morning, Vagabonds,

    It got down to 20 during the night, and it might be cold all day…….maybe into the 30’s. The sun will warm us up in a little while.

    Today is day 2 in my slow-cooking Baked Bean episode. I make my own beans so I can do it without salt, and found the recipe I use is excellent, only it takes 2 days of cooking. But the results are awesome, with nice and tender beans. So, I’ll cook up some Kielbasa to go along with the beans, and it all should be ready around 6:30 tonight. Y’all come on by.

    xoxoxoxo. Happy Trails

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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 6 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Rita, I’ll try to be there. We should make it in about 6 days.

    We are properly ensconced in our new space. The spaces on either side of us are both storage spaces, so we have extra room to spread out and no nearby neighbors. We’ll be here for a week, then back to the free campground for three more weeks. Depending on when the repairs get finished, we’ll be here probably through the end of February.

    Speaking of repairs, we got the hydraulic pump replaced and now the jacks work without having to reset the system, as does the auto leveling system. It’s amazing how well things work when the core of the system is actually working properly. We also finally got the 40 foot cat-4 cable replaced and we actually have good reception through the connection. We could now go back to satellite TV, but so far we haven’t really missed it. So we hooked up our Blu-Ray player up there and watched “2012” last night. The rest of the repairs will be at another facility, but they haven’t called us back to say the parts are in yet.

    Today is our regular card game with our friends. We really look forward to these evenings, and miss them when we are on the road.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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    arye uygur  over 6 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. For the past 8 days I’ve been in Merida, Yucatan. Tomorrow I plan to return to Miami.

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  4. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 6 years ago

    Good afternoon Vagabonds.

    We have had several days of beautiful sunshine and Temps in the 50s. We are currently at 54 degrees, however it is cloudy and blustery out.

    Rita, your chili sound good! I’ve never tried making chili in a crock pot, yet. Usually in a pot on the stove and a couple of times in my Instant Pot. I am really trying to use my Instant Pot more, you can find all types of “fancy” recipes, but few good old every day ones. Added to that is that my husband is a picky eater who doesn’t like spicy food or even very many seasonings and it makes cooking a challenge.

    Jan, enjoy your card game tonight.

    Everyone have a wonderful day. Stay warm.

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  5. 155338754 4112568248753445 1081977566033269086 n
    Dkram  over 6 years ago

    Good evening Vagabonds

    Twas a chilly day today, but I got the grocery shopping done.

    I don’t know what is going on with GoComics, two mornings now the comics have not been up dated as usual around 2 or 3 in the morning and it’s throwing me off.

    Right now I’ll just say good evening and catch y’all tomorrow.


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