Frank and Ernest by Thaves for November 19, 2010

  1. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  over 14 years ago

    I bet he was happier to go through the full-body scan than to have Frank “touch his junk.”

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  2. Grumpy
    shmlss  over 14 years ago

    geez, like the tsa has anything to do with a scanner! never ceases to amaze me how many real morons there truly are! think those republicans are going to accomplish anything with all the bickering and in-fighting? Duh!!!

     •  Reply
  3. Gray wolf
    worldisacomic  over 14 years ago

    a new career for ex-priests and sexual deviants!

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  4. Esther copy
    blumunofky  over 14 years ago

    I don’t know if it’s because of all the Flomax or my husband’s just marking his territory.

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  5. Blue  bird happiness
    hopeandjoy2  over 14 years ago

    The scan was quick when I had it the end of October…and at another airport, I also had a female check me because they didn’t have a scan. She was aware of potential discomfort the check could give and explained what and how she would do each check before doing it. She used the back of her hand next to “sensitive areas”…no groping or fondling was ever done.

    The scan is quicker but I don’t like the radiation even if it is minute but will choose the scan anyway when given the choice.

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  6. Frog
    momazilla  over 14 years ago

    Always use the Buddy system, that way you have a witness if they try anything funny.

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  7. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 14 years ago

    @shmlss, you haven’t heard all the news-upset over the new TSA scanners?

    I think I wouldn’t worry about the MMW (radio-length waves) scanners, but the X-ray backscatter ones would worry me more. I also just heard that new software may make the images more of a stick-figure. (Wonder what kxcd would make of that?)

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  8. Br
    zerotsm  over 14 years ago

    This TSA stuff really has the natives restless.

    Check out: for a November 24th boycott, and if that’s too tame for you, visit for info on a December 1st action.

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