C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for November 07, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 14 years ago

    But Mona, you promised….

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 14 years ago

    Oh, nooo, Donna! Stuffed cornish hens would have been a great treat! How could you forget?!

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  3. Marie01 01
    Tantor  over 14 years ago

    Donna should stop smoking that stuff


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  4. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  over 14 years ago

    Neither of these useless, 20-something, valley girls can cook. Pierre shoulda proposed marriage to a midwestern girl. They can cook.

    As Mona once told Donna; “We’re skinny White chicks in LA”.

    Yep. Ornamental only.

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  5. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 14 years ago

    Well, at least she knows they’re done. Those little beggars are really easy to undercook, especially when they’ve been stuffed (yes, I can cook).

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  6. Large msmokey1
    The missing M. Smokey  over 14 years ago

    What she’s forgotten about is her engagement.

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  7. 51bc34twssl  sy450
    Kokopelli  over 14 years ago

    just call them blackened cornish hens

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  8. Screen shot 2024 01 06 at 12.17.13 am
    Jen Babcock creator over 14 years ago

    hawgowar: technically, Mona isn’t a valley girl. She doesn’t talk or dress like one (like Donna). Also, are you saying the fact that they can’t cook make them useless and ornamental? Because if you are: wow.

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  9. Mugc
    Frankr  over 14 years ago

    can’t fit much stuffing in a cornish game hen…

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  10. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 14 years ago

    You have to take some of the bones out to get enough stuffing in them.

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  11. Desert wind minimalist by ekster 1
    cybergal29  over 14 years ago

    I grew up on a farm where we raised chickens for ourselves and a relative said and I quote “That’s not a chicken! It’s a turkey!” That was no turkey but one BIG chicken that I could say makes the turkeys they raise now-a-days look like cornish game hens.

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  12. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  over 14 years ago

    Hey, I can cook (mom was a graduate of le Cordon Bleu), and any woman I date has to be able to cook as well. While I like eating out, doing it all the time is foolish. Besides, women who live off restaurant food don’t have stamina.

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