Go ahead, bring something home that listens to every thing you say, sends it to an unknown server, with unknown people who have access to it, and who sell your information to people you don’t know. I’m sure all of these folks are kind well intentioned people. What could go wrong?
Of course, the other problem with Alexa is that it frequently misunderstands your requests. “Alexa, what is today’s weather” sometimes gives me results like “Here is a station you might like”. It often takes multiple tries to get Alexa to play music from a playlist. And the device suddenly activates at times when we didn’t even say “Alexa”
cabalonrye about 7 years ago
Elementary, my dear. To obey your every wish it has to listen all the time. What else is new?
sfreader1 about 7 years ago
One of several reasons I would never get one.
Plods with ...™ about 7 years ago
She is. I mess with my kid by yelling Alexa! from the other room.
mvwhite5382 about 7 years ago
This is what led to the Terminators.
Bruce1253 about 7 years ago
Go ahead, bring something home that listens to every thing you say, sends it to an unknown server, with unknown people who have access to it, and who sell your information to people you don’t know. I’m sure all of these folks are kind well intentioned people. What could go wrong?
jeffiekins about 7 years ago
> What could go wrong?
Pretty much the rest of the entire opus of Science Fiction.
(See @robynhod’s comment to the post above.)
PoodleGroomer about 7 years ago
One of the story points of “1984” was that everything was watching and listening to you. We are there.
jbarnes about 7 years ago
Of course, the other problem with Alexa is that it frequently misunderstands your requests. “Alexa, what is today’s weather” sometimes gives me results like “Here is a station you might like”. It often takes multiple tries to get Alexa to play music from a playlist. And the device suddenly activates at times when we didn’t even say “Alexa”