Why not let that clown be you? Why wait for some other clown?
Matches? Hmmm. We know there’s such a thing. Quick, can you now invent one knowing that it’s possible? Especially if you can’t google or otherwise look up instructions for DIY?
However, he has warmed himself up so much trying to start the fire that he doesn’t need it anymore.
He misplaced his big magnifying glass.
Don’t put off for some other day what you can do today.
“Matches? We don’t need no stinking Matches!” (sorry… someone had to say it)
Who came up with the word “match” to indicate a fire stick, and what does it mean?
Mick & Mason Mastroianni
Parker and Hart
awgiedawgie Premium Member about 7 years ago
Why not let that clown be you? Why wait for some other clown?
SunflowerGirl100 about 7 years ago
Matches? Hmmm. We know there’s such a thing. Quick, can you now invent one knowing that it’s possible? Especially if you can’t google or otherwise look up instructions for DIY?
sbwertz about 7 years ago
However, he has warmed himself up so much trying to start the fire that he doesn’t need it anymore.
Cerabooge about 7 years ago
He misplaced his big magnifying glass.
GROG Premium Member about 7 years ago
Don’t put off for some other day what you can do today.
KEA about 7 years ago
“Matches? We don’t need no stinking Matches!” (sorry… someone had to say it)
JD'Huntsville'AL about 7 years ago
Who came up with the word “match” to indicate a fire stick, and what does it mean?